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SPOTLIGHT: Jason Bourke

Cyrus Osena

After a brief hiatus to focus on family and career, we are excited to announce that Jason Bourke is back on the teaching rotation! Jason will be teaching our Combatives/Fight Club classes on Wednesdays at 7pm, as well as the Youth Classes (14-17 year olds) on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm.

Jason has been a Krav Maga practitioner for over 10 years, starting his journey with KMG in Toronto, before switching over to Spartan in 2015. In 2018, Jason earned his certification as a Krav Maga Instructor under the standards of Combat Krav Maga International (CKMI). The course was administered by Lior Offenbach, CKMI founder, in Burlington, ON.

It is worth noting that Jason has had a very interesting pandemic journey that should serve as an inspiration to us all. When the initial COVID shutdown came in March of 2020, the film industry (which Jason was working in at the time) went dark. Activity literally went to zero overnight.

Jason realized early on in the shutdown that, in spite of all the timelines that were coming out in the news, the shutdown was open-ended. He established a new "quarantine" routine to stay in shape and keep positive, regularly posting "Bad Life Gym" snippets on social media.

He was keenly aware, however, that he still had a family to feed and bills to pay. So rather than wallow in misery and fixate on things beyond his control, he did something about it and in true Spartan form, Jason pulled off one of the most inspiring "pivots" of the pandemic.

He started a company from scratch!

Ontario Painting was started on April 21, 2020 and, with a lot of hustle on his part, quickly grew from a one-man outfit to a viable commercial painting company. Within a week he was staffing up and within a month, he was looking for commercial vehicles. I have enjoyed following their progress over the past 18 months!

Fast forward to the present, with the world slowly getting back to normal and the film industry back in action, Jason's pandemic pivot has pleasantly turned into a second income stream.

We are stoked to have Jason back in the line up! Come in and say "hello," and check his class out!

To learn more about the Combatives Class, click >>>HERE<<<.

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